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    Online Safety Parent Workshop (online)

    Posted On: 20/05/22

    Online Safety Parent Workshop - Wednesday 25th May at 7.45pm
    Dear Parents/Carers
    I would like to invite you as parents and carers of our students here at CRGS to attend a parents’ online safety workshop that will look at the online world and how our young people are using it. The session will be live from 7.45pm on Wednesday the 25th of May and will last approximately 1.5hours. I ask that only adults attend the workshop as the content could be inappropriate for children. The aim is to provide you with a greater understanding your child’s digital world.
    At CRGS we embrace the progress that technology can bring to our students whilst also understanding the possible risks. We take the view that ‘It does happen here’ therefore we follow an online safety policy, which can be found on our website. As the digital world bridges the student lives between school and home, we hope this workshop will give you the tools to support your child and also understand the support CRGS provides. You will be able to ask questions on the chat function throughout and I shall be present as your KS3&4 Designated Safeguard Lead along with our SENCo Miss Martin.
    Regarding content, we have organised for the session to be run by an external company EST - E Safety The evening will be presented by the ‘2 Johns’ who are both ex-policemen so have a wealth of experience and continuously review their sessions to ensure the focus is up to date and reflects the changing risks faced by families. By taking into consideration the increased online activity of our young people, the session will also discuss apps and games. We will look at the dangers that students can face from predatory people and how they could be groomed in games, which ranges from receiving gifts for the younger player or being targeted on servers. Additionally, ‘influencers’ will be discussed as this could lead to children conducting dangerous challenges or develop a skewed view of the world.
    The workshop will offer techniques that your family can adopt to help keep everyone safe.
    I look forward to sharing the evening with you and will email out the access link on the morning of the 25th May.
    Kind regards
    Mrs Robinson

    Designated Safeguarding Lead

    CRGS Safeguarding