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RideLondon supporting Arkwright Scholars

Posted On: 03/08/16

So this is what 25,000 cyclists looks like, a sea of colour and expectant faces ahead of the start of this year’s RideLondon Surrey 100 event. It was a privilege to ride the 100 miles on behalf of the Arkwright Scholarships Trust from whom a number of our students have benefitted; and thank you to all my supporters who generously donated towards this worthwhile cause. Support that certainly helped motivate me at 3am on Sunday morning and get myself over to the start of the event in the QE Olympic Park as dawn broke.

Joining the thousands of other cyclists there seemed to be a collective shiver in the cool morning air but this was more of anticipation for what everyone secretly knew would be a race for the first hour at least. And so it was; the 26 mile marker was reached in just over the hour, I hardly noticed the crisp morning sunshine on the deer in Richmond Park. The next hour passed seeing us well out into the lovely Surrey Hills, first Newlands Corner and then the infamous Leith Hill. The narrow lanes were choked with cyclists straining up the climbs but with hair-raising descents quickly following the occasional crash grabbed everyone’s attention to concentrate on the switchback of Box Hill to come.

Memories of watching from the roadside as Team GB summited the hill 9 times in the Olympic Road Race made our one ascent seem paltry with most riders having found bottom gear already. With most of the climbing over the run-in to Westminster was far from pedestrian; the last 18 miles were covered at an average of 25 mph.

The thing that took your breath away was the size and noise of the crowd who had turned out to encourage the riders, truly spectacular. Houses of Parliament, Cenotaph, the Mall; before we knew it the finish line was upon us. Smiles and handshakes all round summed up the day, friendly happy sense of achievement and of course sore legs. It was a pleasure to ride this amazing event but equally a chance to raise important funds for the Arkwright Scholars for who I have great admiration.

If you wish to make a donation to support them my fund raising page is still open until the end of September.