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Students to perform French classic

Posted On: 02/10/15

Sixth form French students have prepared a classic French play for performance to younger pupils and the general public in the first week of October.
Molière's Le Malade Imaginaire is about a wealthy hypochondriac, Argan,  who is taken for a ride by his doctor and chemist, while also being targeted by his gold-digger second wife, Béline. The play also tracks the fate of Argan's daughter - will she be able to marry the young man she loves?
Interspersed with some musical contributions, it aims to be an entertaining show. The students involved have all put a lot into what is a very ambitious project. They will perform in French throughout, but projected English surtitles will help audiences to follow. 
Do come and see the show on Monday 5th October at 4.15, Tuesday 6th at 4.15, or Thursday 8th October at 7.30 pm (all performances in the George Young Building).  Tickets £3 on the door, for more information click here.